Amaroq Glamping

Amaroq Glamping Butterfly

4,7 Trustpilot 60 napos árgarancia 30 napos visszaküldési jog
Továbbiak mutatása

Foldable camping chair made of strong canvas with a load capacity of up to 113 kg.

The frame of this camping chair is made of aluminum alloy in a beautiful wood finish, which gives great strength to the weight. The chair weighs only 2.7 kg but can still support more than 100 kg.

The canvas of the camping chair can be easily detached, which allows you to fold the chair and pack it in the accompanying transport bag, making it easy to take the camping chair with you when you travel.

The canvas material is stain resistant, but can also be machine washed in case of an accident.

  • Magasság: 82 cm
  • Ülésmagasság: 48 cm
  • Szélesség: 50
  • Mélység: 69
  • Súly: 2,7 kg
  • Anyagok: Alumínium és vászon
  • Teherbírás: 113 kg

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